2 nights on Nadi – Fiji and the helpfulness of the people
Fiji is calling …! Finally the time has come and I leave the cold and rainy Brisbane to fly to Fiji.
From Brisbane to Fiji by plane
The flight with Virgin Airlines was really pleasant but of course not as luxurious as with Etihad. But it was only 4 hours flight, though!
Arriving in Nadi, we were welcomed with singing and bula calls which is a nice tradition of the Fijians. In contrast to this the passport control took ages and they were not as friendly as the other staff.
I met with a sign from my contact person at the agency APTC after I exchanged some money. In addition to all documents, Monika brought a cold damp cloth, a shell necklace and a Fiji water to welcome me. Besides this i got driven to my first hotel with a private taxi, though.
Smugglers Cove Fiji
My first stop was Smugglers Cove on the main island of Nadi. The dorm itself was functional with air conditioning and a private bathroom, but in need of some refurbishment. But the staff is extremely friendly and helpful.
Due to the late arrival on the first day was not really much, except for a quick lay on the beach and in the evening to eat a pizza.
During the meal I met 3 guys from Sydney with whom I was going into two bars. A very funny evening that did not turn out so well, because in the 2nd Bar my wallet is gone, but I did not notice until I was in the hotel.
Actually, I was supposed to be picked up again at 7 clock, but I had to go to the police, check if my wallet reappears and lock all cards. To be honest my holidays should have start in a better way!
The best agency in Fiji – help in need
After I called my travel agency and told them what happen the hotel shuttle brought me to the police for free. Unfortunately the police just wrote a statement and called Ed’s Bar. For sure they didn’t find my wallet so I had to go back to the hotel. Never the less I was brought back to the hotel by the police and did not have to take a taxi.
The hotel staff was very compassionate and the APCT agency bailed me out by giving me money which i could return via transfer back.
The husband of my tour guide went that night to Ed’s Bar and got my purse back there. At least I got my wallet back with all my cards of course without my cash (driver’s license, ID and credit cards) but money was taken out of it. Unfortunately the credit cards were already locked even though you never know if they were writing down the details and use them anyway. At least I don`t have to go the offices and got considerable costs to get the documents back.
On the 3rd Fiji day could finally start the holiday and I was picked up to go to Kuata Island.